一直以來 喜歡某些事物的傳統 跟 故事
其實在去年的X'MAS時 就對於這個故事 很好奇
直到那天 G又在超市看到這個X'MAS的傳統植物 又在再提起我的興趣
話說 去年 G的同事 莎拉小姐 一群辦公室女孩子在講這個東西
G問了莎拉一句 這是什麼 才知道這個故事的起源
其實 這個植物是一種寄生在植物上的果實 因為繁植能力強 也被喻為POWER性的植物
如果在X’MAS其間 通常人們會掛在門口 有帶來好運的意思
還有 在MISTLETOE底下 親吻 是不能被拒絕的 或著跟自己的男女朋友
在這棵植物下親吻 會帶來長久浪漫的姻緣
如果拒絕親吻 女孩子則不能期待未來能有結婚的機會嘍 小心
如果你有掛在門口 小心開門 進你們家的那一位 。。。。。
The Story Of Mistletoe
The story goes that Mistletoe was the sacred plant of Frigga, goddess of love and the mother of Balder, the god of the summer sun. Balder had a dream of death, which greatly alarmed his mother, for should he die, all life on earth would end. Balder could not be hurt by anything on earth or under the earth. But Balder had one enemy, Loki, god of evil and he knew of one plant that grew neither on the earth nor under the earth, but on apple and oak trees. It was lowly mistletoe. So Loki made an arrow tip of the mistletoe, gave to the blind god of winter, Hoder, who shot it, striking Balder dead. For three days each element of universe tried to bring Balder back to life. Frigga, the goddess and his mother finally restored him. It is said the tears she shed for her son turned into the pearly white berries on the mistletoe plant and in her joy Frigga kissed everyone who passed beneath the tree on which it grew. The story ends with a decree that who should ever stand under the humble mistletoe, no harm should befall them, only a kiss, a token of love
Kissing under the mistletoe
Kissing under the mistletoe is first found associated with the Greek festival of Saturnalia and later with primitive marriage rites. They probably originated from two beliefs. One belief was that it has power to bestow fertility. At Christmas time a young lady standing under a ball of mistletoe, brightly trimmed with evergreens, ribbons, and ornaments, cannot refuse to be kissed. Such a kiss could mean deep romance or lasting friendship and goodwill. If the girl remained unkissed, she cannot expect not to marry the following year.