
她是,CAROL BEER 小姐,她服務態度,是根據電腦顯示回答的

如果你剛來英國  或是想要了解英國人的做事方式 這是個不錯的選擇


他們把  英國人的做事風格跟人物個性都加以 風趣化


Carol has moved on from her career in turning down everyone for financial aid at the local bank.

She is now delivering her very own unique brand of customer service at a travel agent's in the new town of Spongebob Squarepants.

She's happy to discuss a possible destination with you, as well as run through all the deals available to any potential traveller.

Just don't expect to be able to book a vegetarian meal for one.

Why? Computer says no.

想要減肥嗎? 來找她就對啦!!

Marjorie Dawes & the Fat Fighters

As Marjorie Dawes returns with some more key dieting tips for her class, she takes the term 'cruel to be kind' to another level.

Mean-spirited Marjorie delights in pointing out all their dietary faults whilst simultaneously ignoring her own.

Never one to enjoy others' happiness or success, Pat and Paul's surprise announcement serves only to give her fresh ammunition with which to inflict even more pain and misery.

However, a mishap at the local tanning salon gives her class a brief respite from the verbal onslaught and an opportunity to fight back. The future's bright, the future's orange…

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